The world-wide hit series Peaky Blinders follows a notorious gang in 1919 Birmingham led by the fierce boss Tommy Shelby played by Cillian Murphy.
The costumes in the show are as memorable as the characters themselves, inspiring men from all over to sharpen up!
This is a unique opportunity to own Tommy Shelby’s suit from Season 5, featured in Episode 9, Scene 3 to be exact. The costume was designed by the sensational Alison McCosh who won a Royal Television Award for Costume Design for her meticulous attention to detail – sourcing vintage clothing and antique accessories, adding unparalleled authenticity to the series. This lot not only celebrates Murphy's acclaimed and BAFTA-nominated performance but also sheds light on the critical part of below-the-line careers, like costume design, in shaping the success of iconic shows. Don't miss this chance to own a piece of television history.